For Individuals
NJ and PA Estate Planning Attorneys
Everyone, at some point in their lives, faces the questions of how they wish to be remembered, and what their legacy will be. Financial concerns often make up a substantial portion of these questions. Estate planning is a term that lawyers use to describe documents that can help accomplish your goals and ease the anxiety of friends and family during a crisis.
Points of Estate Planning
We will guide you through the planning process, establishing documents such as:
- Power of Attorney (POA)
- Health Care Directives
- Living wills
- Last Will and Testament
- Trust
We will ask you targeted questions to help you identify your planning needs and goals. Your documents will allow you to rest easy, knowing your plans having been implemented without any unnecessary clauses or boilerplate language. Best of all, these plans are often implemented on a flat fee basis, so you have total certainty and control over the cost.

Estate Planning Documents
The way your estate planning is conducted is your message and financial legacy to the future and the lives of those closest to you. With Maselli, Mills & Fornal, you can rest easy knowing that your loved ones are in good hands. Documents and written authorizations can predetermine exactly what is to be done.
Your Power of Attorney (POA) is a written authorization in which one individual (in this case, you, or the principal) grants another individual (the agent, or attorney-in-fact) the agency to carry out various functions, and to act on your behalf. Some of the abilities bestowed upon the agent by Power of Attorney include making decisions pertaining to medical care and finances, as well as making monetary gifts to others.
Your Last Will and Testament is another critical document. Between 50 and 70 per cent of Americans fail to construct a will, which means that after passing, the fate of their belongings and assets is decided by the state. But with a Last Will and Testament, you can decide precisely what goes where, to the benefit of your family and loved ones.
A Last Will and Testament includes points such as:
- Naming an Executor. The Executor is the individual who will be responsible for handling a wide variety of your affairs. This includes but is not limited to such duties as terminating leases and credit cards, manage your assets, determine who inherits property, and establish an estate bank account.
- Guardianship Provisions. This refers to the selecting of a guardian to become legally responsible for minor children under 18 years of age. The guardian directs such important matters in the child’s life as education and medical care.
The attorneys at Maselli, Mills & Fornal have many years of experience in estate litigation and drafting estate planning documents for clients, ranging from modest estates to multi-million dollar plans. We are known in the Mercer County area for our expertise in drafting concise, effective planning documents. Don’t leave these important decisions about your estate and even your children to chance — let us help you set your plans in motion. Feel free to fill out our “Contact Us” form on this page, or call (609) 452-8411 to ask a question of one of our attorneys.