In ancient cultures, disputes over money were often resolved by the sword. In modern societies, disputes over money that the parties cannot resolve among themselves are resolved in courts that...
Anatomy of a Lawsuit
The Discovery Stage – Gathering the Evidence
The Discovery stage of lawsuit begins after each party has filed court papers making allegations, imposing denials and asserting defenses. In the Discovery stage, each contestant is entitled...
Mediation – Resolution Without Trial
In the New Jersey state court system, the court will require the parties to participate in Mediation at some point after the lawsuit is filed and answered, but before the end of the Discovery stage....
Expert Witnesses
Prior articles discuss the way a lawsuit is started and the discovery stage of a lawsuit that takes place between the initial filing of court papers and the trial. The purpose of a trial is to allow...
Arbitration in the Superior Court of New Jersey
Arbitration is a process for resolving disputes outside of court. Certain types of cases filed in the New Jersey Court system are handled through arbitration. If any parties involved in...
The Trial
The lawsuit was filed, the parties gathered evidence through the discovery process, each side retained expert witnesses. The parties participated in mediation but did not settle the...